segunda-feira, 27 de abril de 2009
Man and Superman; a comedy and philosophy - George Bernard Shaw

quinta-feira, 23 de abril de 2009

Estava passando na televisão um especial sobre Ian Fleming. Eu não sabia que ele tinha chegado a trabalhar como espião da marinha britânica na Segunda Guerra, o que é mais ou menos o equivalente literário, eu imagino, de alguém não saber que Arnaldo Cézar Coelho um dia foi juiz de futebol.

terça-feira, 21 de abril de 2009
Breaking and Entering - Anthony Minghella

segunda-feira, 20 de abril de 2009
Scarface - Brian De Palma

The Hard Way - John Badham

sábado, 18 de abril de 2009
God bless you, Mr. Rosewater; or: Pearls before Swine - Kurt Vonnegut

segunda-feira, 13 de abril de 2009
The Greenhornes
Já Too much sorrow (Dual Mono) é a música que deveria estar tocando quando você chegasse.
domingo, 12 de abril de 2009
Just a Minute, Nicholas Parsons - Paul Merton, Clement Freud, Stephen Fry & Liza Tarbuck

NP: Clement you challenged.
CF: Deviation.
NP: Why?
CF: Yes he was going to get to the end.
SF: But I didn’t! Because you interrupted!
NP: That is an impossible challenge on which to make a decision...
PM: I was waiting for the fart of nonsense!
NP: I thought he illustrated that quite well actually but er. So he was going to get to the end, that is your challenge, um...
SF: But I didn’t because he interrupted me! So he proved himself wrong by interrupting me!
NP: You didn’t because you interrupted me so it’s an impossible decision. The only thing I can do on this occasion is the thing I do about once in every series...
SF: Oh no! Don’t do that!
LT: Please!
SF: Oh you mean ask the audience?
NP: Yes.
SF: Right! All right, do that. Sorry I thought you meant the other thing! Whew!
NP: Stephen you mustn’t give too much of my private life away.
SF: Sorry.
NP: Please. And... especially the way you say it! Leaves all kind of imagination there. But er they’ve gone... what I do... is ask the audience to be the superior judge and with the wisdom that I can see is in this audience at the present moment and the wit and the... Would you all decide whether Clement Freud deserves his challenge. And therefore you either cheer for his correct challenge and you boo for an incorrect challenge. And you all do it together now.
NP: I think the boos had it. It was an incorrect challenge so Stephen you have a point...
SF: Thank you very much!
NP: And you have that sinking feeling...
SF: I owe a lot to boos!
sábado, 11 de abril de 2009
Kurt Vonnegut
sexta-feira, 10 de abril de 2009
The Catcher in the Rye - J.D. Salinger

terça-feira, 7 de abril de 2009
Harmful if Swallowed - Dane Cook

domingo, 5 de abril de 2009
Synecdoche, New York - Charlie Kaufman

sábado, 4 de abril de 2009
Posts sobre como a pessoa sabe que está ficando velha
Zelig - Woody Allen

Reading The Great Gatsby made me want to watch Zelig once more. Those images in black & white that keep coming to one’s head when one reads about people being told at dinner that there’s a long distance call from Philadelphia that needs to be taken now, they give me some sort of happy nostalgia. And so does this movie. I had tried renting it last week, but someone from the store told me the DVD was somehow out of order. I remember thinking why the hell they wouldn’t just throw away the DVD and simply remove it from the archives clients browse online. This unpleasant surprise was what happened to me: I picked the movie from the website only to receive a couple of minutes later a telephone call by which I learned the DVD was out order. I’m not even going to ask why it was available online if it was actually out of order. I’m just going to ask how exactly they expected it to be “in order” again in the future. Was there a guy working on it? I never heard of someone being able to fix a DVD. I never heard of a DVD that needed fixing in the first place.
What I did, I downloaded the movie.