I heard this was Hitchcock's favorite one. That doesn't seem quite right to me. Unless, of course, he didn't mean his favorite movie. Maybe these were his favorite characters in supporting roles. Those would be Ann and Herbie. Ann is the young sister of the girl (Teresa Wright) that suspects her uncle might be a serial killer. Herbie is the best friend of this girl's father. He is really into figuring out ways of killing people and then boasting about it with his friend, who also distracts himself with that morbid game. They would never get down to business, mind you. They just like talking about ways of having people killed. Herbie's hair is carefully built, I suppose, with some material that: (i) allows no movement; (ii) enfolds itself in a most peculiar way. But let me talk about this Ann. She is something else entirely. To have the chance to grow up near this girl would have transformed any boy with the faintest talent into, I don't know, freaking Chesterton. She reads two books a week, and I don't mean tax law reviews. Her response to her mother's screaming at the telephone device was one great sample of one cute bad temper. "Really, Papa. You'd think Mama had never seen a phone. She makes no allowance for science. She thinks she has to cover the distance by sheer lungpower."

When the police officer asks her to quietly call her sister to the have a conversation about murder stuff, she says she doesn't have to call her quietly. "Did my father have a feud with yours?" "My father?" " Because if they didn't, there's no sense in my asking Charlotte quietly. Mama won't care. She thinks girls ought to marry and settle down". Like I said, I would understand if Hitchcock had preferred this over any other piece of acting that he might have obtained from any other actor under his direction. But that he would even consider Shadow of a Doubt to be worth of being in his top 3 movies, that I don't get. To me, at least, there were no memorable scenes. And the plot was not that spectacular either.
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