The difference between Lead Balloon and Curb Your Enthusiasm is the same difference between the british and the american versions of The Office. Both being truly excellent, one is simply a little less noisy than the other. I happen to prefer Larry David to Jack Dee and Steve Carell to Ricky Gervais, but I'm quite aware that only stupid people would feel in obligation to choose one as good and the other as bad. It does strike me as odd, however, that the first thing that pops up when you google Lead Balloon other than the Wikipedia
entry is an article stating that Lead Balloon was BBC's answer to Curb Your Enthusiasm. If that is actually true, which I don't think it is, it shouldn't be taken quite so seriously, as if those people were conspiring against each other.
I would like to explain, though, what I said about the difference between both shows being so subtle and at the same time one show not being a mere copy of the other. It's simple: it's just temper, my temper to be more precise.
I would also like to post now
this video, this Ben and Sam's song.
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